March 2025 Horoscope: The 7 Zodiac Signs Turning Desires Into Action This Month

Another month has come and gone, which feels surprisingly fast, given the slow-moving energy of 2025 so far. Thankfully, one of the most significant tension points in the sky, Mars retrograde, comes to a close at the end of February—but we’re not out of the woods just yet. March is coming in hot with Aries energy, retrogrades, and an eclipse season that will wake you right up.

The month starts with Venus, the planet of relationships, values, creativity, and finances, stationing retrograde in Aries. (Another inner planet retrograde to stir things up, I know.) The key to this transit is to ask yourself: “What do I truly value?” During Venus retrograde, you might notice more tension than usual in your relationships. This is especially true with Aries’s influence, which makes us more selfish and reactive when dealing with others. You’ll also want to check your budget because Venus retrograde in Aries can be impulsive, like Veruca Salt from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory—wanting everything without considering whether you really need it.

Venus will retrograde in Aries from March 1 to 27, then dip back into Pisces for the remainder of her backward motion. During this period, it’s best to exercise caution when making purchases, jumping into new relationships, or getting a bold new look (like bangs!). Patience is key in any retrograde, especially in Aries. So if you want to reach out to your ex, call out your partner for a blunder, or splurge on a Birkin, take a deep breath and ask yourself if this aligns with your core values.

On the 3rd, Mercury moves into Aries. Mercury is firing on all cylinders for the first half of the month. With Aries influencing communication, our minds will be quick and sharp. Mercury in Aries is like a toddler who doesn’t know what a pimple is and asks, “What are all those red dots on your face?” Words and ideas will flow freely, often with a sharp edge. It’s a great time to refresh your mind with whatever stimulates you mentally.

While Mercury in Aries has a childlike innocence, it can also be blunt. And with Mercury stationing retrograde on March 15, expect a few foot-in-mouth moments throughout March. Mercury retrograde starts in Aries, then moves back into Pisces on March 29. As we all know, during Mercury retrograde, double-check everything. Don’t text your ex. Take your time commuting. And for the love of goddess, think before you speak!

Before Mercury stations retrograde, we’ll experience a Virgo lunar eclipse on March 14. Eclipse season and two inner planet retrogrades will create intense energy. This lunar eclipse will bring eye-opening revelations to help us organize our lives, strategize our plans, and heal parts of ourselves that feel defeated. Virgo transits tend to be overly analytical and critical of things that don’t seem “perfect,” but this eclipse will help us realize where we’ve been placing too much pressure on ourselves. If you listen to your heart, you’ll recognize how you’ve been holding yourself to unrealistic standards—and you will start to let go of that image.

March 20 marks the sun’s move into Aries, signaling the start of the new astrological year! The spring equinox is one transit of early 2025 that I’ve been watching closely. Once we step into this fresh start astrologically, we’ll feel less like we’ve been hibernating and more like energetic spring chickens out running in the yard. I totally understand when people say this winter feels like it’s been dragging on for decades, but remember: the sun is our energy source. When the sun moves into Aries, that fighting spirit and go-getter energy will return. Even with retrogrades and eclipses, we’ll naturally pick up the pace.

The end of the month will bring even more dynamic energy. On March 29, we have an Aries solar eclipse. If you’ve been hoping for a cosmic leap of faith, this is your moment! The solar eclipse will clarify what your heart truly desires, allowing your conscious self to act. The concept of “ego” is often discussed in astrology, and the Aries solar eclipse aligns the ego with the soul. Eclipses are deeply spiritual transits, and the events that occur during an eclipse often reflect your subconscious desires. Trust that the end of March will feel far more fulfilling than the first two-thirds.

As March wraps up, so does another significant astrological cycle. Neptune, the planet of dreams, illusions, glamour, and spirituality, will complete a nearly 165-year cycle. On March 30, Neptune moves into Aries—it’s the first time this has happened since 1861. I know we’re all tired of hearing the word “unprecedented,” but this truly is an unprecedented moment. No living person knows what the combination of Neptune’s deep, swirling energy and Aries’s fire will bring us. Neptune often leaves lingering questions, as it rules the subconscious, so not everything will be crystal clear. But Aries’s influence is motivating, so Neptune in Aries will likely encourage us to pursue our biggest dreams, let go of things we can’t control, practice empathy for others, and commit to our spiritual practices (like a daily tarot routine—or whatever ritual you’ve been slacking on!).

March will shift the energy, which is much-needed after months of feeling stuck. Although there are some chaotic transits coming our way, they’re largely influenced by Aries energy, which always signals fresh starts, new beginnings, and the courage to face challenges head-on. So, even though you’ll still be shaking off the dust from the past few months, rest easy knowing your energy and spirit will soon pick up. Just be patient with yourself.

Make sure to read your rising sign for the most accurate horoscope, and remember: change is coming. It’s better to roll with the punches than resist them.


March is your month to embrace bold changes, Aries! Venus retrograde in your sign asks you to slow down and consider what you truly value in relationships and your own personal identity. Are you giving enough to yourself? Take time to reflect on your needs before jumping into any impulsive decisions. With the Virgo lunar eclipse on March 14, you might have a few aha moments about your habits and routines. This is a great time to reorganize your life and let go of anything that’s not working for you. When the sun moves into Aries on the 20th, you’ll feel that familiar spark of confidence and energy. By the 29th, when the Aries solar eclipse arrives, you’ll be riding a wave of inspiration that lights the path to a fresh start. Trust your instincts and take action toward what sets your soul on fire.


This month is all about going inward and reflecting on your deeper truths, Taurus. With Venus retrograde in your spiritual sector, it’s a great time to rethink what you truly value, especially when it comes to your beliefs, your personal growth, and your sense of purpose. Trust me, it’s okay to question things—this is about finding alignment with your authentic self. The Virgo lunar eclipse on March 14 might bring some insights into your creative side or relationships with children. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty you’ve created, whether it’s in your work or your personal life. As the sun moves into Aries on March 20, you’ll be called to nurture your spiritual growth, and by the time the Aries solar eclipse hits on the 29th, you might have a breakthrough in what you want to manifest. Trust that the universe is guiding you to where you need to be.


March is a time to reconnect with your social circle and reevaluate your goals, Gemini. Venus retrograde in your friendship zone might have you thinking twice about some of your connections. Is there someone you’ve outgrown? Is there a friend with whom you’d like to reconnect? Take time to reflect on who really aligns with your values. The Virgo lunar eclipse on the 14th will help you sort through your work habits, revealing what’s draining your energy. This is a great time to adjust your daily routines to bring more balance into your life. The sun moves into Aries on the 20th, boosting your energy for new projects and activities. By the time the Aries solar eclipse arrives on the 29th, you’ll be ready to take a leap toward a big change. Trust your intuition and don’t be afraid to step into new opportunities.


March is all about your career and how the world sees you, Cancer. Venus retrograde in your professional zone asks you to reflect on what you truly value in your work and public image. Are you on the right path? Are your professional choices aligning with your personal values? The Virgo lunar eclipse on the 14th will encourage you to look at your health and daily habits—are they supporting your ambitions? Now is the perfect time to restructure your routines for maximum productivity. The sun enters Aries on the 20th, bringing renewed energy to your career and public life. By the time the Aries solar eclipse hits on the 29th, expect a breakthrough that propels you forward in your professional journey. This is your moment to take bold action, so don’t hold back.


You’re stepping into a month of growth and expansion, Leo. Venus retrograde in your ninth house of higher learning, travel, and big ideas asks you to reflect on what you truly value when it comes to your beliefs and worldview. Maybe there’s an old philosophy or way of thinking that no longer serves you. The Virgo lunar eclipse on the 14th will bring clarity around your creativity and your relationships with children. This is a good time to reconnect with your passions and creative endeavors. As the sun moves into Aries on March 20, your desire to expand your horizons grows. Whether it’s travel, education, or a new adventure, you’ll feel the urge to explore. By the 29th, the Aries solar eclipse will bring a burst of energy that makes it easier to take bold steps toward your dreams. Trust that new opportunities are on the way.


This month is all about deep transformation and letting go, Virgo. Venus retrograde in your eighth house of shared resources, intimacy, and transformation asks you to reconsider what you truly value in your intimate relationships and financial arrangements. Are there old attachments you need to release? The Virgo lunar eclipse on March 14 will help you see where your emotional well-being needs nurturing. Pay attention to your instincts about your home and family life—there could be changes here that lead to a healthier environment. As the sun enters Aries on the 20th, your focus shifts to your shared resources and deep connections with others. The Aries solar eclipse on March 29 will give you the energy to release what no longer serves you and take action toward personal transformation. Embrace the changes—they’re for your growth.


March is bringing a lot of attention to your relationships and how you connect with others, Libra. Venus retrograde in your partnership sector will likely prompt you to reflect on the value of your connections. Are you in balance with your partner? Is there something you need to communicate? The Virgo lunar eclipse on the 14th will shine a light on your daily life and routines, urging you to make changes in the way you approach work or health. The sun moves into Aries on the 20th, which will bring more energy to your partnerships and collaborations. The Aries solar eclipse on March 29 is a time to embrace bold moves in relationships—you may feel a deep need to assert your desires or redefine your connection with others. Trust that your relationships are evolving in positive ways.


March is a month to get real about your health, work, and daily habits, Scorpio. Venus retrograde in your sixth house of work and routines asks you to reassess what you truly value when it comes to how you spend your time and energy. Are your work habits supporting your well-being, or are they draining you? On March 14, the Virgo lunar eclipse will bring clarity to your home life, family dynamics, and emotional foundation. You might feel the urge to make some changes at home or in your personal life to support your well-being. The sun moves into Aries on the 20th, bringing renewed energy to your work and routines. By the time the Aries solar eclipse hits on the 29th, you’ll feel ready to make bold moves in how you approach your daily life. Focus on your health and work-life balance—now’s the time to make important adjustments.


This month, Sagittarius, your creativity, romance, and self-expression are in the spotlight. Venus retrograde in your fifth house of love and creativity will have you rethinking what you truly value in relationships, creative projects, and fun. Are you nurturing your passions? The Virgo lunar eclipse on the 14th will highlight your communication style and how you express your ideas. Take a moment to think about how you communicate with others, especially in your romantic or creative endeavors. The sun enters Aries on the 20th, bringing fresh energy to your love life and creative pursuits. The Aries solar eclipse on the 29th will push you to take bold steps in your romantic or creative life. Trust your heart and go after what makes you feel alive.


March is a month for focusing on your home life, family, and emotional foundations, Capricorn. Venus retrograde in your fourth house asks you to reflect on what you value when it comes to your home and family dynamics. Are there old patterns you need to release? On March 14, the Virgo lunar eclipse will shine a light on your finances and material resources. This is a good time to reassess your financial goals and think about how you manage your resources. When the sun moves into Aries on the 20th, you’ll feel an urge to take charge of your home life and create a more stable environment. The Aries solar eclipse on March 29 will bring powerful energy to make changes in your personal life. Embrace the transformation that’s coming your way—it’s time for a fresh start.


March is all about communication, learning, and connecting with your immediate environment, Aquarius. Venus retrograde in your third house of communication calls upon you to consider your relationships with siblings and neighbors, and how you communicate. Is there something you need to revisit or clear up with someone? The Virgo lunar eclipse on March 14 will bring insight into your personal values and resources. Think about your relationship with money and possessions—are they aligned with your values? The sun enters Aries on the 20th, boosting your energy for new learning experiences and connecting with others. The Aries solar eclipse on March 29 will spark a shift in how you express yourself and share your ideas. Don’t be afraid to speak your truth and take bold steps forward.


March invites you to focus on your finances, values, and self-worth, Pisces. Venus retrograde in your second house will prompt you to reconsider your relationship with money and your sense of personal value. Are there any old habits you need to release? The Virgo lunar eclipse on March 14 will bring clarity around your sense of self and how you present yourself to the world. This is a great time to assess your goals and make adjustments where necessary. As the sun moves into Aries on March 20, your energy will shift to personal growth and self-expression. The Aries solar eclipse on the 29th will help you take decisive action toward your financial goals and personal transformation. Trust that the changes you make now will set you up for long-term success.

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